Common Problems

Here's a list of frequently appearing errors and some explanation and help added to it.

Anything that says "Bad Json"

Your hostsettings.json or appsettings.json has some incorrect syntax in it. Copy the contents of the file into a site like this and see where it notices any errors. Or you can download Visual Studio Code which is the best tool in my opinion to see json errors.

Api key errors

Check that the correct api key is registered with the PT Feeder api bot. It needs to be the default_api_key from your in your PT installation directory. This is case sensitive. The key in hostsettings.json of PT feeder is the one given to you by your reseller. If you want to see the key it is checking for and what is authorised, set the minimal log level in hostsettings.json to "Debug" from "Information".

PT Feeder is overwriting my ProfitTrailer config.

THIS IS WHAT PT FEEDER DOES. Please read the wiki again and watch any youtube videos on what it does.

How do I set up hodl coins?

Add your pair to ' "ExcludedPairs": "" in appsettings.json and restart PT Feeder. For example, "ExcludedPairs": "XRP,LTC". Wait for it create No config will be generated for these pairs and default All_trading_enabled will be false so these coins will not be traded.

Missing dependecies

If you see an issue like the one below, please install/reinstall dotnet 2.14 or higher from here

dependencies manifest (pt-feeder.deps.json) was not found:
    package: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery', version: '2.0.1'
    path: 'lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.dll'

Buy will exceed min_buy_balance.

Please read this wiki and see how min_buy_balance/min_buy_balance_percentage and max_cost/max_cost_percentage works.

Your settings are setup so you cannot make any further buys due to existing balance. You can make changes to these properties in appsettings for PT Feeder and restart PT Feeder.

Important properties to look at in PT Feeder appsettings are DcaMinBuyBalance, MinBuyBalance and MaxCost and UseMinBuyBalancePercentage and UserMaxCostPercentage in hostsettings.json

Kestrel starting errors

If you see errors like these...

´´´ Unable to bind to http://localhost:8083/ on the IPv4 loopback interface: 'Error -4092 EACCES permission denied'. Unable to bind to http://localhost:8083/ on the IPv6 loopback interface: 'Error -4092 EACCES permission denied'. Unable to start Kestrel. ´´´ have most likely changed the port in hostsettings.json to the same port your ProfitTrailer is running on. This is not how it works. Leave this to the default for now or at least to a different port as per the configuration page. This is for a future Web Interface and has nothing to do with connecting to PT.

Could not get BTC price change from bittrex. Sequence contains no elements. Will try Polo next.

Most likely your Timezone setting on your system is off and/or your Time is not in Sync. Please check that your system Timezone is set to the Timezone you live in. To get a reliable Time Sync on Windows, check out this freeware tool.

Not reading correct trigger

If you notice that the trigger is not being read correctly, check for any spaces in your config as the json syntax is very sensitive:

"MaxTopCoinAverageChange ": "2" will break "MaxTopCoinAverageChange": "2" will work

Database error

If you see the following error, there are three things to try:

"Handled exception: Could not update database. Will try again next time. An error occurred while updating the entries. See inner exception for details."

  1. Stop PT Feeder. Delete the ptfeeder.db file in the database directory of PT Feeder. Restart feeder.
  2. If 1 does not work, check your time and timezone. A tool to help windows users to do this is provided in Common error number 3.
  3. If 1 and 2 do not work, make sure the database file is not in read only mode. This Youtube video describes how.
  4. Set CalculateTrailingValues as false in hostsettings.json. In appsettings.json, change MaxTrailingProfit to TrailingProfit and MaxTrailingBuy to TrailingBuy. Follow step 1 again and restart feeder.
  5. Try downgrading from 1.4.0 to 1.3.5. This has slightly different database handling.

Could not find enough prices

A warning like the below is nothing to worry about. It is when a new coin enters an exchange and there is not enough historical data for PT Feeder to do its calculations.

[21:12:00 WRN] Could not find enough prices for BTC-ELC. Querying exchange again

If this is happening to all coins, is is most likely your Timezone setting on your system is off and/or your Time is not in Sync. Please check that your system Timezone is set to the Timezone you live in. To get a reliable Time Sync on Windows, check out this freeware tool.